Village of New Middletown Street Department

The Village of New Middletown's Street Department has many responsibilities. Road maintenence is top priority in the winter months to ensure safe roads for Village residents and drivers passing through. Street sign are monitored and replaced as needed. Maintaining the Village buildings, grounds and Welker Park are also among the Road Department's many responsibilities. Banners and flower baskets are hung along State Route 170 in the spring, replaced by fall banners when the season changes, and holiday banners and wreaths for winter holidays.
Streets and cul-de-sacs maintained by the Road Department are as follows:
Ward, Foster, Renee, Warner, Linford, Jeffrey, Ohlin, Sycamore, Stacy, Circleview Dr., Circleview Ct., East Circleview Dr., Deeringwood, Mapleview Ct., Maplewood, Eastwood, Kerrywood, Robinwood, Woodland, Sandy Dr., Sandy Ct., Meadowbrook, Brungard (within Village limits), Struthers (Between Sr170 and Calla), Middletown (within Village limits)
The Street Department purchased a backhoe to aid in cleaning ditches and replacing old or damaged culverts under Village streets, loading trucks with slag in the winter for snow covered roads, and helping with Village projects, such as new pavilion and Welker Park walking path.
The Village Street Department cleans out ditches throughout the Village to aid in better drainage. They will also replace a cuulvert under a driveway for a minimal charge. The Road Department also picks up the leaf bags in the fall and hauls them away, free of charge for Village residents.
As the seasons change, so do the responsibilities of the Street Department.